Next stop: Saturday the 25th August, after the usual T. family Waitrose breakfast gathering in Newport, half of us in attendance, off to The Dorothy Clive Garden with F. in the rain. Always a treat to dash about with F. here and there talking breezily and enthusiastically about architecture, England, horses and anything else. Once again I am treated to the love and hospitality of this amazing family.
Dorothy Clive Garden, another old quarry transformed, was very sweet, nice little nursery, a waterfall that fooled us for a moment; amaranth and nicotiana drooping together in the rain, saturated in color.
After the cafe (jacket potatoes) I mentioned how one day, next time I was over and had more time, I’d like to go walking in The Peak District. I hadn’t realized it was so close or at least close for F. and next thing I know, after ringing P. to bring in the horses, we are off to The Peaks. Down and up and through some lovely leafy ravines and tiny clusters of settlement we are up on top. We didn’t walk but I got a glimpse of the England I hadn’t quite remembered. A glorious blue, cloud decorated sky had opened just as we crested the hill. Tempting. The pull begins in earnest, the sense in my core of feeling home, the hills greenly wooded in patches spilling into the lowlands. Dots of sheep. Rootedness. I feel something from long ago. I look forward to walking or riding there, and elsewhere, next time.
below photos from Dorothy Clive and the hills.